Jamella australiae Kirkaldy
The Pandanus Planthopper
Many of the insects depicted on these pages are outwardly similar and you should not use photographs as the sole means of identification. These pages form part of a scientific key which will assist a trained entomologist to identify the species accurately.
Jamella australiae Kirkaldy 1906
Common Name: Pandanus planthopper
Subfamily: Flatoidinae
Distribution: NSW, Qld.
Economic Status: The pandanus planthopper causes serious dieback of pandanus trees, Pandanus tectorius, native to northern Australia but used extensively as ornamental plants in coastal areas of southern Queensland and the North Coast of New South Wales.
Notes: The pandanus planthopper is 10–12 mm in length and holds its brown wings over its body at a shallow angle, typical of the flatid subfamily Flatoidinae. There are six described species of Jamella two of which have been recorded in Australia, the other being J. sojora Medler found in the Northern Territory. Further information can be obtained from Tweed Shire Council on the NSW North Coast.
Image: Clive Easton, Tweed Shire Council