Hyalesthes obsoletus Signoret
[Note: not Australian]
Many of the insects depicted on these pages are outwardly similar and you should not use photographs as the sole means of identification. These pages form part of a scientific key which will assist a trained entomologist to identify the species accurately.
(Cixiidae: Cixiinae: Pentastirini)
[update: page added 4.xii.2002]
This species is the vector of Vergilbungskrankheit (German grapevine yellows disease), Bois noir (black wood) of grapevines and stolbur disease of potato and tomato in Europe. It is distributed across most of mainland Europe and through the Middle East to North Africa. It has not been found in Australia but is included here because of its economic importance in Europe and to facilitate early recognition of an incursion of the species into Australia.
The distinctive black and white markings, particularly the white lateral borders to the face, should make the species easily recognisable.