Siphanta rubra Schmidt


Many of the insects depicted on these pages are outwardly similar and you should not use photographs as the sole means of identification. These pages form part of a scientific key which will assist a trained entomologist to identify the species accurately.

(Flatidae: Flatinae: Siphantini)

This species can only be differentiated from Siphanta subgranulosa by examination of the male genitalia
and apparent distributional differences. S. subgranulosa also exhibits longitudinal striping on the vertex and pronotum. The location of the two syntypes is unknown. Medler (1986c) gave details of Schmidt types held in Dresden and Medler (1986b) reviewed the flatid types held in NRS but neither publication mentioned S. rubra. Schmidt (1904) indicated that both syntypes are females so location of the specimens is unlikely to add more to the identity of the species than confirmation of Schmidt's original description.

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