Auchenorrhyncha keys
Identification keys and checklists for the leafhoppers, planthoppers and their relatives occurring in Australia and neighbouring areas (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha)
by Murray J. Fletcher
Orange Agricultural Institute
This package includes 549 genus-level names and 1489 species-level names of Australian leafhoppers, planthoppers and spittlebugs. It is regularly updated as new information is published on these insects.
Keys included in this package (see below for Citation)
to the Superfamilies of Auchenorrhyncha
Use this key if you do not know which of the following keys to

This package provides keys and species checklists for the planthoppers, leafhoppers and their relatives (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) known to occur in the Australian region to the
taxonomic level of Superfamily, Family, Subfamily or Tribe, depending on the currently
accepted classification for each group. Keys to genera are provided for many of the
groups. The region covered by the package includes Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand and those parts of Indonesia east of the Wallace Line. Keys to the leafhoppers of New Zealand by Larivière and Fletcher (2004) are provided on the
NZAC site and links to these are provided through the NZ Hemiptera website.
Photographic images are provided for many species in each group.
The Australasian Auchenorrhyncha fauna in many families has been poorly studied and identification to species in many Families is not possible without extensive additional revisionary work. The checklists provided are based on current published literature and almost certainly contain errors of combination and synonymies that will only be determined through further taxonomic research. There is also a significant portion of the Australian Auchenorhyncha fauna still undescribed.
This package may be cited as:
Fletcher, M.J. (2009 and updates). Identification keys and checklists for the leafhoppers, planthoppers and their relatives occurring in Australia and neighbouring areas (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). |
which replaces: Fletcher, M.J. (2004 and updates). Identification keys and checklists for the leafhoppers, planthoppers and their relatives occurring in Australia and neighbouring areas (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). |
which replaced: Fletcher, M.J. and Larivière, M.-C. (2001 and updates). Identification keys and checklists for the leafhoppers, planthoppers and their relatives occurring in Australia and New Zealand (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). |
which replaced: Fletcher, M.J. (2000 and updates). Identification keys and checklists for the leafhoppers, planthoppers and their relatives occurring in Australia (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha). |
PLEASE NOTE: It is a condition for the issue of collecting permits or of loans from collections in Australia and New Zealand that holotype specimens of new species from those two countries be deposited in institutions in those countries. Deposition of paratype material is subject to negotiation with the curators of the lending institutions.
Suggestions, criticisms and comments on this website, or Australian
Auchenorrhyncha specimens (excluding cicadas) for identification,
may be sent to the author:
Dr M.J. Fletcher
Orange Agricultural Institute,
Forest Road,
Orange NSW 2800
A charge to cover the cost of the identification may apply.