Family Cicadidae - Cicadas
Cyclochila australasiae (Donovan), brown form
The cicada fauna of Australia is as distinctive as Australia's mammals and birds. Moulds (1990) has collected the information available at the time on the Australian cicadas and the author of that magnificent publication continues his work on our beautiful cicada fauna. The Australian Museum has produced an information disk on the cicadas and this can be obtained by contacting the Australian Museum Shop through the AM website. The cicada genera of New Zealand have been studied by Dugdale (1972) with publications by Dugdale and Fleming (1978) and Fleming (1984) treating individual genera [update: 12.ii.2001].
A revised classification of the cicadas was provided by Moulds (2005). This recognises two subfamilies in Australia, the Cicadinae and Cicadettinae divided into 12 Tribes. [update: 3.iv.2006].