Genus Anabunda Emeljanov

Genus Anabunda
Emeljanov 2005: 30
Type species: Anabunda retortinervis Emeljanov 2005,
by original designation
Known species: Three species are known, the type species and A. minuta Moir & Fletcher from NSW and Qld and A. murrayfletcheri Moir from SE Qld.
Comments: As in the genus Rhinochloris, Anabunda has the anteriorly rounded pronotum extending to level with the front margin of the eyes. However, the vertex of Anabunda is not prominently extended before the eyes as in Rhinochloris. The three species of Anabunda can be differentiated by size and by the apical spination of the hind tarsi.
Species of Anabunda have been
found only in south-eastern Queensland, down to the central coast of New South Wales. All
species appear to be confined to wet humid regions (with rainfall > 1000 mm per annum)
although no species has yet been found in the wet tropics of northern Queensland (Moir
& Fletcher 2006)
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