Tribe Zoraidini
Lydda elongata (Fabricius)
Tribe Zoraidini Muir 1913a: 31
These are probably the best known Australian derbid planthoppers because they are large and hold their elongate forewings at a rakish 45º to the short stubby body giving them quite a distinctive appearance. Muir (1913a) noted ""It is among the Zoraida section that the most conspicuous forms of the family are to be found, and from whence the forms generally chosen to illustrate the family are taken." The tribe includes some pest species, including Proutista moesta (Westwood) which transmits a phytoplasma of palms in the Oriental region. Proutista moesta is of biosecurity concern to both New Guinea and Australia because it has been recorded on the western half of the island of New Guinea.
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