Genus Platyledra Evans
acuminata (Distant)
Platyledra Evans 1937a: 39
Type species:
Platyledra hirsuta Evans, by original designation
Known species: Platyledra contains three described species, all restricted to Australia.
Comments: The content of this genus has changed somewhat since it was first described. It was originally created for the single species P. hirsuta Evans with P. monstrosa Evans added in 1939. Evans (1966) added P. acuminata (Distant) by transfer from Ledropsis but removed P. monstrosa to the new genus Ledropsella Evans. Evans (1969a) added a third species, P. caldida Evans.
P. acuminata and P. hirsuta have the front margin of the crown distinctly pointed although this feature is less pronounced in P. caldida. In all three species, the pronotum curves upwards posteriorly but is not raised significantly above the level of the scutellum.