Subfamily Macropsinae

The Macropsinae are normally easy to recognise because of the expanded and sloping pronotum, the very narrow crown, the facial position of the ocelli and the absence of an appendix on the tegmen. Little taxonomic work has been done on the Australian fauna with many species classified into the "holdall" genus Macropsis. Whether any of the included species are true Macropsis requires a revision of the group in Australia. Ms Linda Semeraro is currently undertaking postgraduate research on the Australian fauna at LaTrobe University, Melbourne. Hamilton (1980) listed many of the Australian species as incertae sedis because of difficulties in establishing the identities of species with female holotypes and inadequate original descriptions. New Zealand has a single endemic species, Zelopsis nothofagi [update: 12.ii.2001].
The subfamily is generally cool temperate to temperate in distribution in both the Palaearctic and Nearctic regions, although a few species are known from tropical regions such as Southern India and SE Asia, including two species in Indonesia. No species have been described from New Guinea but this might be due to the lack of study of the group in the Australasian region.
Despite the fact that macropsines are reasonably common, no species is known to cause damage to economically important plants. This is the main reason that the group has had so little attention in Australia.
- Species of Macropsinae known to occur in Australia
- Link to keys for New Zealand Macropsinae
- Species of Macropsinae known to occur in eastern Indonesia and New Guinea
- Return to previous key page
Species of Macropsinae known to occur in Australia
Note: Hamilton (1980: 912) regarded most of the Australian macropsines described by Evans in Macropsis or Oncopsis, all of which were placed in Macropsis by Evans (1966), to be incertae sedis.
Genus Hephathus RibautHephathus Ribaut 1952: 437 |
Hephathus fergusoni (Evans) Macropsis fergusoni Evans 1942:
29 |
Tas, SA, Vic, Qld, NT [SA, Vic, Qld, NT updates: 22.iii.2012] |
Genus Macropsella HamiltonMacropsella Hamilton 1980: 901 |
Macropsella recta Yang, Dietrich & Zhang Macropsella recta Yang, Dietrich & Zhang 2017: 272 [update: added] |
Qld |
Macropsella thoantias (Kirkaldy) Macropsis thoantias Kirkaldy 1907: 37 Note: Hamilton (1980: 877) has attempted to designate a lectotype for this species but Article 74.3 expressly disallows lectotype designations that are not individual. [update: 26.iii.2012] |
Genus Macropsis LewisMacropsis Lewis 1836: 49 |
Macropsis abscondens (Walker) Bythoscopus abscondens Walker 1858a: 267 |
Vic, Tas |
Macropsis bicoloratus (Evans) Oncopsis bicoloratus Evans 1942a:
155 |
WA |
Macropsis citrinus Evans Macropsis citrinus Evans 1942a: 154 |
WA |
Macropsis declivus Evans Macropsis declivus Evans 1942a: 154 |
WA |
Macropsis eburneus Evans Macropsis eburneus Evans 1942a: 153 |
WA |
Macropsis federalis Evans Macropsis federalis Evans 1936: 64 |
Macropsis flavomaculatus Evans Macropsis flavomaculatus Evans 1942a: 154 |
WA |
Macropsis flexus Evans Macropsis flexus Evans 1942a: 153 |
WA |
Macropsis flindersi Evans Macropsis flindersi Evans 1936: 66 |
SA |
Macropsis fuscoguttatus Day & Fletcher Oncopsis fuscopunctatus Evans 1942a: 155 |
WA |
Macropsis gibbus (Evans) Oncopsis gibbus Evans 1942a:
154 |
WA |
Macropsis hobartensis Evans Macropsis hobartensis Evans 1936: 66 |
Tas |
Macropsis lincolnensis Evans Macropsis lincolnensis Evans 1936: 66 |
SA |
Macropsis luteus Evans Macropsis luteus Evans 1936: 65 |
WA, SA |
Macropsis norrisi (Evans) Oncopsis norrisi Evans 1941:
40 |
WA |
Macropsis scopulus (Evans) Oncopsis scopulus Evans 1936:
67 |
WA |
Macropsis tasmaniensis Evans Macropsis tasmaniensis Evans 1936: 65 |
Tas |
Macropsis variabilis Evans Macropsis variabilis Evans 1941: 40 |
Tas |
Macropsis viridiceps Evans Macropsis viridiceps Evans 1941: 40 Note: Hamilton (1980) noted that M. viridiceps Evans was preoccupied by Macropsis viridiceps Wagner since Wagner's name was published in April 1941 and Evans' in July 1941, giving Wagner priority. However, he did not propose a replacement name. Wagner (1941: 104) created his viridiceps as a colour variety of Macropsis glandacea Fieber. Under the terms of the ICZN (Art.45.6.4), a name published as a variety prior to 1961 is to be regarded as having subspecific status unless expressly given infrasubspecific status by the author. Wagner (1941) recognised three colour forms which he named "Forma typica = ulmi Scott", "Var. viridiceps nov." and "Var. mendax Fieb.". Details were given of the type specimens of all three varieties. Consequently, there was no express statement of infrasubspecific status and the three forms are recognised as subspecies. M. viridiceps Evans is therefore preoccupied by M. glandacea viridiceps Wagner. |
Tas |
Macropsis wellingtonensis Evans Macropsis wellingtonensis Evans 1942: 29 |
Tas |
Macropsis wilsoni Evans Macropsis wilsoni Evans 1936: 67 |
Vic |
Genus Macropsis Lewis
Macropsis (Parapediopsis) citronella Hamilton Macropsis (Parapediopsis) citronella Hamilton 1980: 914 |
Qld |
Genus Pedionis HamiltonPedionis Hamilton 1980: 891 Subgenus Pedionis HamiltonPedionis (Pedionis Hamilton 1980: 894) |
Pedionis (Pedionis) oeroe (Kirkaldy) Macropsis oeroe Kirkaldy 1907:
36 Note: Hamilton (1980: 877) questioned the data labels on the Kirkaldy type material since the original description states that the specimens were collected in Kuranda and Nelson and not Cairns as given on the label. However, as pointed out by Medler (1987), Kirkaldy used printed "Cairns, Qld" labels for all his North Queensland material and differentiated the different towns by adding a red "K" for Kuranda or a red "N" for Nelson. The material examined by Hamilton and on which he based his identity of this species would therefore be Kirkaldy's type series. [update: added 8.iv.2001] |
Qld, NSW [NSW update: 26.iii.2012] |
Genus Pedionis Hamilton
Pedionis (Thyia) thyia (Kirkaldy) Macropsis thyia Kirkaldy 1907:
36 Note: See the note under P. oeroe above, which also applies to this Kirkaldy species. [update: added 8.iv.2001] |
Qld |
Genus Pediopsis BurmeisterPediopsis Burmeister 1838: 11 |
Pediopsis emmae (Evans) Macropsis emmae Evans 1971:
357 |
Pediopsis filicis (Evans) Macropsis filicis Evans 1936:
64 |
Vic, Tas [Vic, Tas update: 27.iii.2012] |
Pediopsis luteus (Evans) Oncopsis luteus Evans 1942a: 155 Note: Evans (1966) transferred Oncopsis luteus Evans 1942a into Macropsis where it was preoccupied by Macropsis luteus Evans 1936. He therefore created the new name Macropsis luteolus nom. nov. for this species. Hamilton (1980), in transferring the species into Pediopsis resurrected the older name in line with ICZN Article 59.4 since Macropsis luteus (Evans) was a secondary junior homonym. Day and Fletcher (1994: 1154) incorrectly retained Evans' replacement name [update: added 8.iv.2001, modified 11.ii.2002] |
WA |
Pediopsis mandurae (Evans) Macropsis mandurae Evans 1971:
358 |
WA |
Pediopsis nikitini (Evans) Macropsis nikitini Evans 1971:
356 Note: The determination label attached to the holotype mount (which also carries the allotype on a separate card) spells the species name "nitikini" but the original spelling as published is "nikitini" which is the correct spelling of M.I. Nikitin after whom the species was named. Nikitin worked at NSW Agriculture's Biological and Chemical Research Institute, Rydalmere, for many years and provided much material for various collections around the world. Nikitin's life story is fascinating and his autobiography was published by the Entomological Society of NSW in 1986 (Nikitin 1986) |
Pediopsis thymele (Kirkaldy) Macropsis thymele Kirkaldy 1907:
36 Note: Hamilton (1980: 877) has attempted to designate a lectotype for this species but Article 74.3 expressly disallows lectotype designations that are not individual. [update: 26.iii.2012] |
Qld |
Genus Ruandopsis LinnavuoriRuandopsis Linnavuori 1978a: 15 |
Ruandopsis bunyensis (Evans) Macropsis bunyensis Evans 1971:
358 |
Qld |
Genus Stenopsoides EvansStenopsoides Evans 1942a: 153 |
Stenopsoides turneri Evans Stenopsoides turneri Evans 1942a: 153 |
WA |
Genus Stenoscopus EvansStenoscopus Evans 1934: 166 |
Stenoscopus drummondi Evans Stenoscopus drummondi Evans 1934: 167 |
WA |
Genus Toropsis HamiltonToropsis Hamilton 1980: 886 |
Toropsis aenea (Evans) Oncopsis aeneus Evans 1942a:
154 Note: Day and Fletcher (1994) misspelt this name as anaeus. |
WA |
Toropsis balli (Kirkaldy) Oncopsis balli Kirkaldy 1907:
38 Note: Hamilton (1980: 877) has attempted to designate a lectotype for this species but Article 74.3 expressly disallows lectotype designations that are not individual. [update: 26.iii.2012] |
Qld, NSW, Vic [NSW, Vic updates: 27.iii.2012] |
Toropsis bella (Evans) Macropsis bella Evans 1971:
356 |
WA |
Toropsis gearyi (Evans) Macropsis gearyi Evans 1971:
355 |
Qld |
Toropsis mellea (Evans) Oncopsis melleus Evans 1936: 68 |
Tas |
Toropsis minuspina Yang, Dietrich & Zhang Toropsis minuspina Yang, Dietrich & Zhang 2017: 272 [update: added] |
Qld |
Toropsis evansi (Metcalf) Macropsis occidentalis Evans 1936: 63, preoccupied by Macropsis occidentalis Van Duzee, 1889. Note: Hamilton (1980) retained Metcalf's replacement name even though the transfer of the species to Toropsis removed the name from homonymy. This is because Macropsis occidentalis Evans is a primary junior homonym and ICZN Article 57.2 states that primary junior homonyms, once replaced, remain permanently invalid. [update: 11.ii.2002, 28.iii.2012] |
WA |
Toropsis pulla (Evans) Oncopsis pulla Evans 1936:
67 |
ACT, Tas |
Toropsis subfusca (Evans) Oncopsis subfusca Evans 1936:
69 |
SA |
Toropsis tepperi (Evans) Oncopsis tepperi (Evans 1936:
69 |
SA |
Toropsis translucens (Evans) Toropsis translucens Evans 1936:
68 |
SA |
Genus Varicopsella HamiltonVaricopsella Hamilton 1980: 900 |
Varicopsella apecurvata Yang, Dietrich & Zhang Varicopsella apecurvata Yang, Dietrich & Zhang 2017: 276 [update: added] |
Qld |