Genus Kyphocotis Kirkaldy
tesselata Kirkaldy, female
Genus Kyphocotis Kirkaldy 1906: 370. Type species: Stenocotis tesselata Kirkaldy, by monotypy
Known species: Four species are known, two restricted to Queensland, one in Queensland and the Northern Territory and the type species recorded in Queensland and Western Australia.
Comments: The species of Kyphocotis are all brownish, cryptic leafhoppers and whether they are all valid species needs to be examined. As with other genera of Stenocotini, the species are somewhat variable in size and colouration and this might be associated with the differently coloured bark on the host eucalypt trees on which they live as nymphs. The genus is differentiated from Stenocotis by the shape of the pronotum and by the scutellum being prominently raised posteriorly. In this feature they resemble Kyphoctella distorta Evans which is differentiated by Evans (1966) on the basis of the length of the labium.