Subfamily Deltocephalinae: Tribe Athysanini

This tribe is represented in Australia by five endemic genera, one genus shared with New Zealand (where a second endemic NZ genus also occurs) plus the widespread genus Limotettix which was placed in its own tribe, Limotettigini Baker, by Zahniser & Dietrich (2013). The tribe was regarded as being polyphyletic by Zahniser & Dietrich (2010) and revised by Zahniser & Dietrich (2013). [updates:; 4.vii.2013]
- Species of Athysanini known to occur in Australia
- Link to keys for New Zealand Deltocephalinae
- Species of Athysanini known to occur in eastern Indonesia and New Guinea
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Species of Athysanini known to occur in Australia
Genus Arawa KnightArawa Knight 1975: 176 |
Arawa decoloratus (Evans) Deltocephalus decoloratus Evans 1942a: 148 |
WA |
Arawa detracta (Walker) Iassus detractus Walker 1858a:
271 |
Tas, Vic [update: Vic added 30.viii.2010] |
Arawa novella (Metcalf) Deltocephalus montanus Evans 1938a:
16, preoccupied by Deltocephalus montanus Distant 1908b |
NSW, SA, Tas, Vic, NZ [update: Vic added 30.viii.2010] |
Arawa pulchra Knight Arawa pulchra Knight 1975: 185 |
NSW, Vic, WA, NZ |
Arawa taedius (Kirkaldy) Phrynomorphus taedius Kirkaldy 1906: 326 |
Qld |
Genus Euleimonios KirkaldyEuleimonios Kirkaldy 1906: 342 Note: This genus was transferred from Deltocephalini to Athysanini by Zahniser & Dietrich (2013). [update: 4.vii.2013] |
Euleimonios dedarensis (Evans) Deltocephalus dedarensis Evans 1942a: 147 |
WA |
Euleimonios flavidiventris (Stål) Jassus flavidiventris Stål 1859: 294 |
NSW, Qld |
Euleimonios kirkaldyi Fletcher & Condello Euleimonios kirkaldyi Fletcher and Condello 1994: 1029 |
NSW, Vic |
Euleimonios magnus Fletcher & Condello Euleimonios magnus Fletcher and Condello 1994: 1024 |
Qld |
Euleimonios montanus Fletcher & Condello Euleimonios montanus Fletcher and Condello 1994: 1030 Known hosts: Leptospermum scoparium (Myrtaceae) (Fletcher and Condello 1994) |
NSW, Tas |
Euleimonios rosifrons Fletcher & Condello Euleimonios rosifrons Fletcher and Condello 1994: 1026 |
NSW, Qld, SA, Vic |
Euleimonios sinuatus Fletcher & Condello Euleimonios sinuatus Fletcher and Condello 1994: 1023 |
NSW, Qld, Vic [Vic update: 16.xi.2000] |
Euleimonios truculentus Fletcher & Condello Euleimonios truculentus Fletcher and Condello 1994: 1032 |
Qld |
Euleimonios uniformis Fletcher & Condello Euleimonios uniformis Fletcher and Condello 1994: 1028 |
Qld |
Genus Gunawardenea Fletcher & MoirGunawardenea Fletcher & Moir 2008: 430 |
Gunawardenea linnaei Fletcher & Moir [update: added 16.i.2009] Gunawardenea linnaei Fletcher & Moir 2008: 430 |
WA |
Gunawardenea pulchra Fletcher & Moir [update: added 16.i.2009] Gunawardenea pulchra Fletcher & Moir 2008: 433 |
WA |
Genus Inghamia EvansInghamia Evans 1966: 249 Note: This genus was transferred to Athysanini by Zahniser & Dietrich (2013). [update: 4.vii.2013] |
Inghamia dayi Evans Inghamia dayi Evans 1966: 249 |
NT, Qld [NT update 7.vii.2000] |
Genus Limotettix J. SahlbergLimotettix J. Sahlberg 1871: 224 Note: Zahniser and Dietrich (2013) separated Limotettix as the sole component of the tribe Limotettigini Baker but its position within the Deltocephalinae was unclear. [update: 4.vii.2013] |
Limotettix incertus Evans Limotettix incerta Evans 1966: 230 |
NSW, Qld, SA, Tas, Vic,
[SA update: 18.xi.2000; WA update: 12.i.2001]] |
Limotettix pullatus (Evans) Deltocephalus pullatus Evans 1942a:
148 Note: The male specimen shown was collected at King Georges
Sound, WA by Charles Darwin |
Tas, Vic, WA, NZ |
Limotettix tachyporias Kirkaldy Limotettix tachyporias Kirkaldy 1907: 64 Note: This species has little in common with other species of Limotettix. |
Qld |
Genus Occiplanocephalus EvansOcciplanocephalus Evans 1942a: 146 Note: This genus was transfered from the Deltocephalini to the Athysanini by Webb & Viraktamath (2009) [update: 20.vii.2009] |
Occiplanocephalus ravus Evans Occiplanocephalus ravus Evans 1942a: 147 Note: This species, which remains represented only by the original two specimens collected at Dedari, in WA, by R.E. Turner in 1936, has been redescribed by Theron (1987). |
WA |
Genus Pingellus EvansPingellus Evans 1966: 230 Note: Pingellus was placed by Day and Fletcher (1994) in the Deltocephalini but an examination of the male genitalia shows that the connective is clearly Y-shaped which places the genus into the Athysanini. This feature is clearly evident in Evans (1966: fig 34q) [update: 13.iii.2001]. The transfer of the genus was formalised by Webb & Viraktamath (2009) [update: 20.vii.2009] |
Pingellus nigroflavus Evans Pingellus nigroflavus Evans 1966: 230 |
Qld |