Subfamily Deltocephalinae: Tribe Deltocephalini

These leafhoppers are characterised by the basal connective fused to the base of the aedeagus and having the connective arms parallel-sided throughout. The Old World Deltocephalini has recently been reviewed by Webb & Viraktamath (2009). Most of the species are not economically important, although some species are known as pests of grass crops such as rice overseas.
- Species of Tribe Deltocephalini known to occur in Australia
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- Species of Tribe Deltocephalini known to occur in eastern Indonesia and New Guinea
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Species of Tribe Deltocephalini known to occur in Australia
Genus Alodeltocephalus EvansAlodeltocephalus Evans 1966: 243 Note: This genus was transferred to the Deltocephalini from the Athysanini by Zahniser & Dietrich (2013) [update: 21.vii.2013] |
Alodeltocephalus draba Evans Alodeltocephalus draba Evans 1966: 244 Note: The male holotype is mounted with a female paratype. |
NSW, Vic |
Alodeltocephalus longinquus (Kirkaldy) Phrynomorphus longinquus Kirkaldy 1906: 326 |
NSW, SA, Vic, Tas [update: Vic, SA added,] |
Alodeltocephalus obliquus (Evans) Deltocephalus obliquus Evans 1938a:
16 Note: This species was synonymised with A. longinquus by Evans (1966) who said it was widespread in Australia and New Zealand. Knight (1975) reinstated both species but was unable to find any specimens in New Zealand collections. The species was excluded from the New Zealand fauna by Larivière, et al. (2010). [update:] |
Tas |
Genus Deltocephalus BurmeisterJassus (Deltocephalus Burmeister 1838a: 15) |
Deltocephalus chlorippe (Kirkaldy) Phrynomorphus (Conosanus) chlorippe Kirkaldy 1907:
60 Note: This species was regarded as being of uncertain generic placement by Webb & Viraktamath (2009) and was tentatively retained in Deltocephalus. |
Qld |
Deltocephalus infirmus Melichar Deltocephalus infirmus Melichar 1903:
203 |
Christmas Island, Sri Lanka, India |
Deltocephalus viridellus Evans Deltocephalus viridellus Evans 1966: 242 Known hosts: Carex sp (Cyperaceae)Note: This species was regarded as being of uncertain generic placement by Webb & Viraktamath (2009) and was tentatively retained in Deltocephalus. |
NSW, Vic [update: Vic added 30.viii.2010] |
Genus Horouta KnightHorouta Knight 1975: 205 |
Horouta aristarche (Kirkaldy) Driotura aristarche Kirkaldy 1907:
59 |
NSW, Qld, Vic |
Horouta austrina (Kirkaldy) Lonatura austrina Kirkaldy 1907:
62 |
NSW, Qld, Vic, WA [update: Vic added 30.viii.2010; WA added 30.viii.2013] |
Horouta darwini Fletcher Horouta darwini Fletcher 2009: 265 [update: added 2.xii.2009] |
WA |
Horouta jahmoi Fletcher Horouta jahmoi Fletcher 2004: 51 [update: added 3.ix.2004] |
Horouta lotis (Kirkaldy) Deltocephalus lotis Kirkaldy 1907:
56 |
NSW, Tas, Vic [Vic, Tas update: 12.x.2000] |
Horouta perparvus (Kirkaldy) Deltocephalus perparvus Kirkaldy 1906:
330 |
NSW, Qld, Tas, Vic [update 15.xi.2000] |
Horouta spinosa Fletcher Horouta spinosa Fletcher 2004: 51 [update: added 3.ix.2004] |
NSW, Qld |
Horouta tropica Fletcher Horouta tropica Fletcher 2018: 238 [update: added 19.xii.2018] |
NT, Qld |
Genus Loralia EvansLoralia Evans 1966: 233 Note: This genus was transferred from Deltocephalini to Athysanini by Zahniser & Dietrich (2013) [update: 4.vii.2013] but the features of the male genitalia (connective arms closely apposed and connective fused with the base of the aedeagus) would appear to place it more appropriately in Deltocephalini. As noted by Zahniser & Dietrich (2013), however, its tribal affiliations are still to be satisfactorily determined [update: 26.vii.2013]. An undescribed species is known from Kangaroo Island, SA. |
Loralia pulcherrima Evans Loralia pulcherrima Evans 1966: 234 |
Genus Maiestas DistantMaiestas Distant 1917b: 312 [update: 20.vii.2009] |
Maiestas barrowensis Fletcher & Dai Maiestas barrowensis Fletcher & Dai 2018a: 434 [update: added 15.xi.2018] |
WA |
Maiestas chandrai Fletcher & Dai Maiestas viraktamathi Fletcher & Dai 2018a: 436, preoccupied by M. viraktamathi Zahniser et al. 2012: 359 [added 15.xi.2018, update 2.ii.2019] |
Qld |
Maiestas dorsalis (Motschulsky), the zig-zag leafhopper Deltocephalus dorsalis Motschulsky 1859:
114 [update: 20.vii.2009] |
NSW, NT, Qld, Oriental region [NT, NSW update] |
Maiestas irwini Duan, Dietrich & Zhang Maiestas irwini Duan, Dietrich & Zhang 2017: 75 [update: added 22.i.2017] |
Qld |
Maiestas knighti Webb & Viraktamath Deltocephalus hospes Kirkaldy, sensu Knight, 1975: 202, misidentification. [update: 20.vii.2009] |
ACT, NSW, NT, Tas, Vic, WA, NZ, PNG, Fiji, Guam [Tas, WA update:] |
Maiestas lucindae (Kirkaldy) Deltocephalus lucindae Kirkaldy 1907:
58 [update: 20.vii.2009] |
Qld |
Maiestas samuelsoni (Knight) Deltocephalus samuelsoni Knight 1976a: 96 [update: added] [updates: 20.vii.2009; |
Norfolk Island, NZ (Kermadecs), Fiji, New Caledonia |
Maiestas veta (Knight) [update: 20.vii.2009] Deltocephalus (Recilia) vetus Knight 1975:
203 [update: 20.vii.2009; 15.xi.2018] |
ACT, NSW, NT, Vic, WA, NZ [NT update 7.vii.2000, WA update] |
Maiestas webbi Zhang & Duan Maiestas webbi Zhang & Duan 2011: 32 [update: 15.xi.2018] |
NSW, NT, Qld, China |
Species of Maiestas of doubtful presence in Australia | |
Maiestas distincta (Motschulsky) Deltocephalus distinstus [sic] Motschulsky 1859:
112 Note: Evans (1977) used this name for a species he had included in Evans (1966) as Deltocephalus coronifer (Marshall) with which he had synonymised Deltocephalus hospes Kirkaldy. Knight (1975) resurrected D. hospes but Webb & Viraktamath (2009) restricted the name hospes to a species in Hawaii, creating the new name Maiestas knighti for the Australian species previously known as Recilia hospes. No confirmed Australian record of Maiestas distincta is known. The species was not listed from Australia by Wilson & Claridge (1991) Webb & Viraktamath (2009) and the reference to the name by Evans (1977) is presumed to be of M. knighti. |
Qld?, Christmas I.?,
Sri Lanka, Japan,
Middle East, India,
Korea, Sarawak, Philippines, New Hebrides |
Genus Warlucephala FletcherWarlucephala Fletcher 2006: 125 |
Warlucephala abbreviata Fletcher Warlucephala abbreviata Fletcher 2006: 127 [update: 3.viii.2006, 19.i.2009] |
WA |
Warlucephala arunda (Jacobi) Deltocephalus arunda Jacobi 1909: 343 |
WA |
Warlucephala reversa Fletcher Warlucephala reversa Fletcher 2006: 127 [update: 3.viii.2006] |