Genus Gargara Amyot & Serville
Gargara Amyot & Serville 1843: 537; Day 1999: 677. Type species: Membracis genistae Fabricius 1781, by subsequent designation (Metcalf & Wade 1965: 303)
Known species: This is a very widespread genus in the Afrotropical, Neotropical, Oriental and Palaearctic regions. Gargara australiensis Funkhouser is the only Australian species (based on a single known specimen from NT).
Comments: Only a single specimen, the holotype, of this species is known. Since this species is the only Australian representative of the Tribe Gargarini, it is possible that the specimen from NT is a vagrant from SE Asia (Day 1999). The continued presence of the species in Australia has yet to be confirmed. The extralimital distribution is also unknown.