Genus Thymbrella Evans and Genus Putoniessiella Evans
These two genera are keyed together because the author of these pages has only a single female of T. tamminensis and no specimens of Putoniessiella sagitta available. Both genera were published in the same work by Evans (1969a) who gave no method of distinguishing between the genera.
In his descripton of Putoniessiella, Evans states that the male genitalia have a bilobed aedeagus and sword-like pygophore process, however his illustration of P. sagitta shows no sword-like pygophore process although the aedeagus is bilobed and is drawn with what appears to be a long basal process. In contrast, no mention is made of the male genitalia in the description of Thymbrella although the illustration of T. tamminensis shows a pronounced elongate dorsal pygofer process. Until the holotype males of both type species are examined and some valid generic features are clearly defined, the status of both genera remains unclear.
tamminensis Evans
Genus Thymbrella Evans 1969a: 747. Type species: Thymbrella tamminensis Evans, by original designation
Known species: Only the type species, from three localities in WA, is known.
Genus Putoniessiella Evans 1969a: 746. Type species: Putoniessiella sagitta Evans, by original designation
Known species: Only the type species, from Tammin, WA, is known.